Jumat, 23 April 2010

IPhone 4G - Coming in 2010


December 12, 2009 - Are you ready? Release probably around June or July 2010.

Much speculation has occurred about the new iPhone 4g

Verizon Wireless is currently testing the CDMA version of the iPhone and Verizon confirms 4G, those who make changes in the network to carry the iphone to their network. The new iPhone 4g will be loaded with new features like video chat awesome, extreme multi-tasking and downloading. Just when you thought nothing else came up with the technology more and more and more out. And increased, and not just at Apple, Inc.!

Woo hoo! IPhone 4g can also be dual-core processors and graphics chips higher and stronger who can provide higher video resolution and better "still" pictures when you take a picture.

There are several networks to build a 4G network. T-mobile will be the bearer may be because they are GSM. Sprint's 4G network has been ... AT & T and Verizon Wireless are in the early stages. There was talk about Verizon Wireless to get the iPhone in the year 2010 due to an exclusive contract with AT & T is over, but could be extended until 2012.

Whether or not to 4G will come to them? ... can they build in time? Regardless, there are many to anticipate how many people will leave AT & T to Verizon Wireless because AT & T behind the restrictions and Google applications such as SlingPlayer and Skype Voice (in # g network, not Wi-Fi).

AT & T restrictions have caused the percentage of people jailbreaking their iPhones increased since Jail Breaking Cydia which usually comes with an app store jail broken phone. Most applications, ringtones, themes and even the iphone! Free with Cydia. Winterboard is part of the download, and very easy to add is a change on your phone so you do not need to figure out how to do it yourself ... it was VERY automatically.

Pre Palm on Sprint (Sprint now offering 4G network) has made a business competitive with the iPhone and Blackberry but that does not look good. Perhaps their latest phones Android will help.

IPhone 4G looks promising in terms of cool, packed with new hardware and software multi-tasking. Very interesting.

Some features of the iPhone 4G:

A design, a new sleeker body.

OLED screens.

Multi-tasking. (Using the functions at once without going in and out of the application).

iChat camera (on the front so you can have video chat !!!).

32g (basic) and 64G of memory. You are sure to never run out.

Removable Battery.

Hi Definition Camera.

Hi Definition Camcorder.

Hi Definition Audio.

The message light.

GPS built in.

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