Selasa, 17 November 2009

causes the computer to hang

1. Hardware Conflict

The first reason why you can have Windows Crash is on the conflict hardware.Setiap hardware communicate with other devices via irq (interrupt request channel) and must be uniqe for each device. Conto Printer usually use irq 7, using the keyboard irq 1, Flooy use IRQ6. Each device uses its irq masing2 automatically. If your computer has many devices or devices not installed properly, then there is a division of the irq for more than 1 device. And when you access to 2-devices using irq same page then there is the possibility akan akan Windows Crash.

2. Bad Ram

RAM (Random Access Memory) has a possible cause Blue Screen on your windows. Fatal Error's RAM is usually in sebabkan by Chip difference is in memory. Example, when combining 60ns with 70ns RAM RAM RAM page akan forced to work more slowly and the effect of RAM will make a crash.

3. BIOS settings

Each motherboard has a chipset settingan made in accordance with the manufacturer masing2. Each time you enter your BIOS harusn remember to berhati2 in menyetting configuration because if you have the wrong configuration will cause instability and crashes on the pc.

4. Hard Disk Drive

Every few weeks, the data in the hard disk will be split at each inodenya. Disarakan very Degratment to do each week to prevent the often hard freeze / hang. Action defragment your pc will prevent the problem from the freeze berkeseringan.

5. Fatal OE exceptions and VXD errors

This is usually caused by a problem on your VGA. VGA meruapakan one of the hardware that every so often cause problems on your pc. Drive to do the correct installation of the VGA. If your computer screen to freeze / hang then there is hardware conflict on your vga.

6. Virus

Virus infection will cause instability in the pc. some remove boot sector virus on the hard disk and can not make it to dijalakan. Always remind yourself to provide the Boot Startup Script will help to restore your Boot Sector.

7. Printers

The printer only has a small memory which we call biaa Buffer. This problem is easy. Do print a document from the It is usually use Power CPU. This will cause a delay on the pc. If the printer is trying to make a Print said that desire is not known it will have the possibility to cause a crash on the pc. Try to remove the buffer ago first do the restore on your printer.

8. Software

Crash on the part is usually in sebabkan by jeleknya how the installation software.Gunakan Registry Cleaner to clean your computer anda.Apabila then you damage the Registry is back Install satu2nya be careful how it is.

9. Overheating

Usually equipped by the CPU cooling fan. If the cooling fan died, then the CPU Overheat akan experience and bring eror Kernel Error. Problems in the CPU can be completed with mendisable CPU Internal Cache, it will make the computer operate in a slower but more stable.

10. Power Supply Problem

Shock / wave power can cause a crash on the computer. If this is a problem then the solution for you the most good is to use the UPS System on anda.Ini cpu will be a good investment if you have important data because the data can cause electrical damage to the pc you serious.

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2 komentar:

valentine on 11:25 AM, November 19, 2009 mengatakan...

hi my hard drive for my dvd/cd is keep opening and closing...after i did my back up online. Please me know how to stop my cd room of random open and close thing..thank u

review on 3:37 AM, November 25, 2009 mengatakan...

maybe hard drive to dvd / cd is damaged or virus infect your system, try to share to your friends, sorry if my answer is less satisfactory

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