Rabu, 25 November 2009

Twilight Fan Alert

Jakarta - Awesome movie New Moon is used by the meddling hands to launch a malicious program on a fan film starring Robert Pattinson is. They have embarked scenario similar to that conducted in the Harry Potter movies some time ago.

With the lure can see pirated movies New Moon, Internet users are asked to download a free video player called streamviewer. But click on streamviewer.exe action, was bitter fruit. Instead of seeing the New Moon, Internet surfers will actually install a Trojan downloader on their hard drive.

If you have this, curious hands behind the evil acts will be able to enter any malicious programs on their PCs ingingkan. And they also have to install a fake security program or scareware with the aim to attract money U.S. $ 80 from the user for cleaning reasons and antivirus protection.

Quoted from USAToday, Monday (23/11/2009), Michael Greene, Vice President of Product Strategy from PC Tools said that after the agent managed to sell scareware, then they are automatically opened a gap to put the victim's PC. Merakapun can do botnet to spread spam, steal data and take over control of the email account, networking sites, to online banking accounts.

source:: detikInet

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2 komentar:

Beauty on 11:05 PM, November 26, 2009 mengatakan...

i want to watching this movie, look great from the picture you are post, thx friend

review on 5:22 PM, November 27, 2009 mengatakan...

thanks sister for your comment,, :">

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